Using signatures in neural networks

In principle a simple augment-signature-linear model is enough to achieve universal approximation:

import signatory
import torch
from torch import nn

class SigNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_dimension, sig_depth):
        super(SigNet, self).__init__()
        self.augment = signatory.Augment(in_channels=in_channels,
        self.signature = signatory.Signature(depth=sig_depth)
        # +1 because signatory.Augment is used to add time as well
        sig_channels = signatory.signature_channels(channels=in_channels + 1,
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(sig_channels,

    def forward(self, inp):
        # inp is a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels)
        x = self.augment(inp)
        if x.size(1) <= 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Given an input with too short a stream to take the"
                               " signature")
        # x in a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels + 1),
        # as time has been added as a value
        y = self.signature(x, basepoint=True)
        # y is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, terms), corresponding to
        # the terms of the signature
        z = self.linear(y)
        # z is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, out_dimension)
        return z

Whilst in principle this exhibits universal approximation, adding some learnt transformation before the signature transform tends to improve things. See Deep Signature Transforms – Bonnier et al. 2019. Thus we might improve our model:

import signatory
import torch
from torch import nn

class SigNet2(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_dimension, sig_depth):
        super(SigNet2, self).__init__()
        self.augment = signatory.Augment(in_channels=in_channels,
                                         layer_sizes=(8, 8, 2),
        self.signature = signatory.Signature(depth=sig_depth)
        # +3 because signatory.Augment is used to add time, and 2 other channels,
        # as well
        sig_channels = signatory.signature_channels(channels=in_channels + 3,
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(sig_channels,

    def forward(self, inp):
        # inp is a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels)
        x = self.augment(inp)
        if x.size(1) <= 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Given an input with too short a stream to take the"
                               " signature")
        # x in a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels + 3)
        y = self.signature(x, basepoint=True)
        # y is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, sig_channels),
        # corresponding to the terms of the signature
        z = self.linear(y)
        # z is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, out_dimension)
        return z

The signatory.Signature layer can be used multiple times in a neural network. In this next example the first signatory.Signature layer is called with stream as True, so that the stream dimension is preserved. This means that the signatures of all intermediate streams are returned as well. So as we still have a stream dimension, it is reasonable to take the signature again.

import signatory
import torch
from torch import nn

class SigNet3(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_dimension, sig_depth):
        super(SigNet3, self).__init__()
        self.augment1 = signatory.Augment(in_channels=in_channels,
                                          layer_sizes=(8, 8, 4),
        self.signature1 = signatory.Signature(depth=sig_depth,

        # +5 because self.augment1 is used to add time, and 4 other
        # channels, as well
        sig_channels1 = signatory.signature_channels(channels=in_channels + 5,
        self.augment2 = signatory.Augment(in_channels=sig_channels1,
                                          layer_sizes=(8, 8, 4),
        self.signature2 = signatory.Signature(depth=sig_depth,

        # 4 because that's the final layer size in self.augment2
        sig_channels2 = signatory.signature_channels(channels=4,
        self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(sig_channels2, out_dimension)

    def forward(self, inp):
        # inp is a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels)
        a = self.augment1(inp)
        if a.size(1) <= 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Given an input with too short a stream to take the"
                               " signature")
        # a in a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, in_channels + 5)
        b = self.signature1(a, basepoint=True)
        # b is a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, sig_channels1)
        c = self.augment2(b)
        if c.size(1) <= 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Given an input with too short a stream to take the"
                               " signature")
        # c is a three dimensional tensor of shape (batch, stream, 4)
        d = self.signature2(c, basepoint=True)
        # d is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, sig_channels2)
        e = self.linear(d)
        # e is a two dimensional tensor of shape (batch, out_dimension)
        return e