Online computation of signaturesΒΆ

Suppose we have the signature of a stream of data \(x_1, \ldots, x_{1000}\). Subsequently some more data arrives, say \(x_{1001}, \ldots, x_{1007}\). It is possible to calculate the signature of the whole stream of data \(x_1, \ldots, x_{1007}\) with just this information. It is not necessary to compute the signature of the whole path from the beginning!

In code, this problem can be solved like this:

import torch
import signatory

# Generate a path X
# Recall that the order of dimensions is (batch, stream, channel)
X = torch.rand(1, 1000, 5)
# Calculate its signature to depth 3
sig_X = signatory.signature(X, 3)

# Generate some more data for the path
Y = torch.rand(1, 7, 5)
# Calculate the signature of the overall path
final_X = X[:, -1, :]
sig_XY = signatory.signature(Y, 3, basepoint=final_X, initial=sig_X)

# This is equivalent to
XY =[X, Y], dim=1)
sig_XY = signatory.signature(XY, 3)

As can be seen, two pieces of information need to be provided: the final value of X along the stream dimension, and the signature of X. But not X itself.

The first method (using the initial argument) will be much quicker than the second (simpler) method. The first method efficiently uses just the new information Y, whilst the second method unnecessarily iterates over all of the old information X.

In particular note that we only needed the last value of X. If memory efficiency is a concern, then by using the first method we can discard the other 999 terms of X without an issue!


If the signature of Y on its own was also of interest, then it is possible to compute this first, and then combine it with sig_X to compute sig_XY. See Combining signatures.